Musical Fidelity MF-100 Open-Back On-Ear Headphones

The HifiHeadphones team is pleased to announce the new Open-Back On-Ear Headphone from Musical Fidelity, the MF-100 is now available to be purchased on our website.

Musical Fidelity’s MF-100 headphones were designed to make a beautiful lifelike sound. They are light, comfortable and durable making long listening sessions a pleasure. Musical Fidelity’s award winning design team identified and focused on several critical areas to achieve our aims of natural lifelike sound, lightness and comfort, and durability.

Musical Fidelity’s MF-100 drive units have been designed from the ground up to give a flat and wide frequency response with low distortion. This enables the MF-100 headphones to offer a completely natural, stress free sound so you can hear exactly what the artist intended to create.

With subtle leather earpads are crafted from a combination of fine materials and refined design the MF-100 headphones create maximum comfort. At the same time they give excellent sound isolation. Your music doesn’t disturb anybody and vice versa. The ergonomically designed earpad forms an excellent seal which ensures deep powerful and clear bass. Specially designed transparent fabric has been used for the centre of the earpad.

Every part of the MF-100 is made of high quality materials which enhance the durability, tactile sensations and sound quality.

  • Completely natural, stress free sound
  • Drivers offer a flat and wide frequency response with low distortion
  • Light, comfortable and durable design for long listening sessions
  • Ergonomically designed earpad forms an optimal seal
  • Specially designed earpad with transparent fabric
  • Cable incorporates in-line mic/mute control for Smartphones

To purchase the unit, please visit our website:

Buy Musical Fidelity MF-100 Open-Back On-Ear Headphones

Musical Fidelity MF-100 Portable Headphone – Review

Lauri Cular and infidelity are very familiar with each other; but here’s a fine pair of headphones to reintroduce Lauri to the straight and narrow path of audio absolution..

Musical Fidelity MF-100

On inspecting the clean, white box which contains these latest objects of curiosity, one feature stands out – there appears to be the packaging equivalent of Tippex: a sticker placed over an erronious line of text. Tantalisingly, the words ‘Balanced Armature’ show through – is Musical Fidelity planning a full-size BA hybrid? Is it text meant for a smaller box containing in-ear headphones but accidentally printed on a bigger box?

Stand by sleuthers; I also have the EB-33 in-ear (not reviewed here). It has the same sticker covering the same indiscretion. Is someone at Musical Fidelity getting their driver types mixed up or is something in the pipeline?

What’s wrong with all this speculation? It’s the natural consequense of hearing the MF-100s. I like them and I want more. The prospect of clapping my ears on a BA equivalent is attractive to me; what else can I do?

On first seeing the MF-100s I was struck by the design; not too flashy but with just enough pazzazz to get them looking attractive. With their sturdy black and chrome build, they remind me of the mid-1990s hair salons in which I would be tempted to get the occasional perm. I just have the combover now, and on windy days I daren’t go out for fear of looking like a walking pedal bin.

However now I have my MF-100s I can dally with a dust-devil or tarry in a tornado. The clamping force is on the high side with these, though it may be possible to bend the headband back and relieve the pressure – I daren’t with my review pair though.

The sound is detailed and on the cool side. The MF-100s are a great match for the Just Audio UHA120 which has a warmer output, but a pairing with something like a Fiio E12 will take a fan of a sound which is bass light and detail rich. Although the earcups do not enclose the ear, they do cover it so the cold wind does not bother me too much, and with the featured mic/button I needn’t take my gloves off should I get a phone call.

This is unlikely as I’m very unpopular, but that’s the power of the combover.